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March 2010 - Seven Sins of Supervision
- Sin #1 - Trying to be liked rather than respected
- Sin #2 - Failing to ask for help
- Sin #3 - Failing to develop responsibility
- Sin #4 - Emphasizing rules over skills
- Sin #5 - Judging too harshly
- Sin #6 - Not listening to gripes
- Sin #7 - Failing to keep people informed
- Resources (links, books, articles, the
lighter side)
Seven Sins of Supervision that Cancel Cooperation
Sometimes, it helps to see what mistakes people make to learn what not to
do. This month, we cover some of those with comments about why it is
important to pay attention to this area.
Sin #1 — Trying
to be liked rather than respected
- Don’t expect favors from your subordinates or do special favors just to
be liked.
- Don’t try for popular decisions.
- Don’t be soft about discipline.
- Have a sense of humor.
Comments: One of the biggest mistakes people make when they move
into a supervisory or management role is trying to be "one of the
boys/girls." You have to face it — as the supervisor or manager,
you can no longer be part of the same group. You are there to be a leader
and people expect you to lead. Yes, it’s really great if people like
you. And, you have to give direction. And, you may have to give
discipline and set boundaries for your staff. Those aren’t easy skills
to learn. There is a lot of help available if you don’t have those
skills. Ask your Human Resources department or your training department or
find classes outside your own workplace. Don’t be afraid to ask for
help. Don’t be afraid to learn new skills.
Speaking from experience, it took me a few years to
realize that it was OK to admit that I didn’t know everything. How could
I when I had just taken over as a supervisor for the first time with no
training. I’ve learned that many others find themselves in the same
spot. Still.
Sin #2 — Failing
to ask for help
- Encourage help from your subordinates.
- Encourage individual thinking
- Make it easy for them to communicate ideas to you, then follow through on
their ideas.
Learning to ask for help is a very
important skill to learn if you want to be a good supervisor, manager or
executive. There is a false myth that supervisors, managers or executives
are supposed to know everything, to never make mistakes and to never need
help. That sets up everyone for failure. Often, the staff on the
front line know the answers to whatever problem is happening with their
work. They may not have learned how to share their ideas or they may have
never been encouraged in the past to speak up. You will find a wealth of
information waiting for you if you learn how to ask people to participate in
finding solutions to workplace problems. And, once they learn, you can
help them develop the skills to make changes on their own. Which leads to discussion
of Sin #3.
Sin #3 — Failing
to develop responsibility
- Allow for freedom of expression
- Give each person a chance to learn their supervisor’s job.
- When you give responsibility, give authority too.
- Hold people accountable for bottom line results.
Comments: Allowing people to do express their ideas, to do work
in the way that works for them, and to be accountable for results is building a
stronger team. Allow your staff to work without constantly telling them
what to do.
Take time away from the office and let them make
decisions. If they make mistakes, they will learn from them and so will
you. Like children, employees need to learn how to fall down before they
learn to walk; they need to learn to walk before they can run and they need to
learn how to be responsible for their own work before they can be responsible
for the work of others.
Allow your staff to learn. Give them
opportunities to do things, to stretch their skills, to try something different,
to take initiative.
Sin #4 —
Emphasizing rules over skills
- When you give someone a job to do, let them do it!
- Let them work out how they will get the job done.
- Give help and direction only if they ask for help.
Comments: Not allowing people to do work in
their own way constrains their natural abilities and talents and stifles their
growth. There are many ways to do a job – at least, there are many ways
to do most jobs. When staff have the freedom to figure out how to do
something in their own way, they learn more than the job — they learn
responsibility, they learn analytical skills and they learn to be
Sometimes, they may struggle a bit before they figure
it out. That’s OK, too. It’s part of the learning and growing
Or, they may figure out a way that is much, much
better than anyone else has ever figured it out. They will remember a task
much more if they have to redo it or have to rethink it before getting it
If you are always telling them what to do, you are
keeping them from their own learning. Remember: everyone is different, has
different background and different ways of seeing the world. That’s a
good thing because each person brings a different perspective that can help
others see things differently also.
Sin #5 — Judging
too harshly
- When something goes wrong, don’t assume who is to blame. Get the
facts first.
- Control your temper.
- Praise before you criticize.
- Listen to the other side.
- Allow people to retain their dignity.
- Suggest specific steps to prevent a recurrence of mistakes.
Comments: Our culture tends to always want to "blame"
someone when something goes wrong. Maybe it’s not even "wrong"
– just different. I can’t count the number of times I have heard
someone jump to a conclusion that something was wrong or someone was at fault
before they even knew the situation. When something happens that you are
not expecting, take a step back, take a few deep breaths.
Instead of accusing someone of something, ask
questions like: can you tell me what happened in your own words so I can
understand? Really listen to what the person has to tell you. If
necessary, talk with others. Get several perspectives on what
happened. Don’t get angry; get the facts. Anger only clouds
judgment and doesn’t do anyone any good. If someone does make a mistake, work
with them to understand how to prevent a mistake in the future. Use the
experience as a learning exercise. Share with others so they can learn not
to make the same mistake.
Company safety committees that are successful have
learned that reporting small issues so they can be resolved and learned from can
prevent larger accidents and injuries from happening. Use other situations
in that way — as a way to prevent larger mistakes from happening. Maybe,
discuss mistakes at a staff meeting so everyone can understand how to prevent
them from happening again. If you do that, everyone will be part of the
solution rather than feeling like they are getting beaten up for making a simple
mistake. If managers are too quick to blame, become angry or judge too
quickly, staff learn to cover up mistakes, which then lead to even greater
mistakes happening in the long term.
I worked in a place where I was told that some people
spent their entire career hiding things from their boss because the boss would
erupt in a tirade when someone didn’t go their way. Staff genuinely felt
that their only way to protect themselves was to hide things from the
manager. Obviously, it was not a good teamwork situation and it took years
before staff relaxed after the angry manager left.
Sin #6 — Not
listening to gripes
- Make it easy for people to come to you.
- Get rid of red tape.
- Explain procedures
- Help a person voice their complaints.
- Always grant a fair hearing.
- Get all the facts.
Comments: If you don’t allow people to
speak up, they don’t have a good sense of what is on their mind and they don’t
understand what is on your mind either. I remember years ago after taking
over management of a group where at one meeting, staff started to tell me about
some of the things they thought were wrong with the plans for a major new
project. I encouraged them to share their feeling openly with the others
in a group meeting. Later, one of the staff told me that the former
manager would never have allowed that type of "venting." I was
quite surprised. The staff had some very legitimate concerns about the
project and the direction it was heading.
As it turned out, they were very right and the project
was eventually postponed until sufficient testing could be done to make sure the
product worked before being rolled out. Had a few not been willing to
speak up, it could have been a big disaster and would have caused a great deal
of time, money and energy to fix. Not to mention the damage to the staff
reputation. Part of the problem was with the manager mentioned in Sin #5;
none of her staff would tell her that they thought the schedule was too
aggressive. When she finally did learn about it — not from her own staff
— she stopped the project until they could all agree on the proper
course. The end result was very successful and the revised schedule did
have enough time to do the job properly.
Sin #7 — Failing
to keep people informed
- Let people know where they stand.
- Praise them appropriately.
- Let people know about changes that affect them.
Comments: This is such a big one, it’s hard to know where to
start. It’s one of the biggest mistakes managers can make. They think
that if they let people know what is happening, that they will cause problems or
"upset" people. Truthfully, when there is pressure and secrets
are being kept, many people can feel that energy, can "sense" that someone is
wrong. Without facts, people tend to make up their own "stories"
about what might be happening. They may become nervous, less productive,
worried about their job, worried about things that are not being discussed.
learn not to trust management. That carries over into every day
In today’s difficult economic situation, many people
are worried about their jobs, their futures, their health care, their ability to
succeed where they are and their ability to provide for their families. If
they know the truth about possible changes, they can deal with reality instead
of dealing with rumors and made up situations created by their own fears.
If your company is struggling, don’t hide the fact
until it’s too late. Let employees know. They often can come up
with cost-saving ideas, ways to do things more efficiently. Many will
offer to help in other ways if it is really serious — taking time off without
pay, reducing their salary, reducing their hours, being more careful with
company purchases, looking for bargains, etc.
Be realistic, open and honest with staff and you will
usually get back the best they have to give. You may be pleasantly surprised at
how hard people are willing to work when they are given the opportunity.
I remember in one of my earliest jobs, the small
company I worked for let us know that they were trying to get higher production
for a special project and asked people to work extra overtime if they
could. Not only did we work the extra hours, evenings and Saturdays, we
worked so hard that we were able to finish the job in far less time than
originally expected. Everyone really put their heart and soul into doing
everything possible to help the company succeed. That little company went
on to become a leader in their industry. And, I learned a very valuable
lesson that I’ve never forgotten about the power of people with a common
Source: Adapted from the book The 22 Biggest
Mistakes Managers Make and How to Correct Them by James Van Fleet.
Parker Publishing Co., West Nyack, NY.
Books - Disclosure:
We get a small commission for purchases made via links to Amazon.
- The 22 Biggest Mistakes Managers Make and How to
Correct Them. James Van Fleet. Prentice Hall Press,
1982. ISBN-10:
0139348697 ISBN-13: 978-0139348693
- Management Mistakes and Successes Robert
F. Hartley. Wiley, 2007. ISBN-10:
0470087005 ISBN-13: 978-0470087008
- The Leadership Challenge: How to Get Extraordinary Things Done
in Corporations - 4th Edition. James Kouzes, Barry Posner; Fourth Edition, 2007. Jossey-Bass
Inc. ISBN-10:
0787984914 ISBN-13: 978-0787984915
- Leading Up: How to Lead Your Boss so You Both Win. Michael
Useem. Three Rivers Press, 2003 ISBN-10:
1400047005 ISBN-13: 978-1400047000 Book excerpts: http://leadership.wharton.upenn.edu/l_change/Leading_Up.shtml
- The Speed of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything.
Steven M. R. Covey. Free Press, 2008. ISBN-10:
1416549005 ISBN-13: 978-1847392718
- The Four Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher,
Healer and Visionary. Angeles Arrien. HarperCollins, 1993 ISBN 0-06250-059-7.
- The Greatest Management Principle in the World. Michael Le
Boeuf. G.P. Putnam's Sons., 1985 ISBN 0-399-13052-7
- The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching Adapted for a New
Age. John Heider. Humanics Publishing Group, 2005 ISBN-10:
0893340790 ISBN-13: 978-0893340797
- This Job Should Be Fun! The New Profit Strategy for Managing People in Tough Times. Bob Blasso with Judi Klosek.
iUniverse.com, 2000 ISBN: 0595141420
- Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler. McGraw-Hill,
2007. ISBN-10:
007148499X ISBN-13: 978-0071484992
- Jack Welch and The 4 E's of Leadership: How to Put
GE's Leadership Formula to Work in Your Organization. Jeffrey
Krames. McGraw-Hill, 2005 ISBN-10:
0071457801 ISBN-13: 978-0071457804
- Winning with People: Discover the People
Principles that Work for You Every Time. John
C. Maxwell. Thomas Nelson, 2007 ISBN-10:
0785288740 ISBN-13: 978-0785288749.
- Winning with People Workbook ISBN-10:
0785260900 ISBN-13: 978-0785260905
- What To Do When You Become The Boss: How new
managers become successful managers. Bob Selden.
Outskirts Press, 2007. ISBN-10:
1432714287 ISBN-13: 978-1432714284
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