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July 2009 - Who Are You?  

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What is important to you?  What do you do that makes your heart sing?

What do you work on that takes your attention so completely that time slips away?

Whatever that is, is where your true passion resides.

Can you make a living doing what you love?  Many people think they cannot.

Have you really given it some thought or just dismissed the idea out of hand.

We’ve been focusing our newsletters on getting in touch with what YOU want.

To make your dreams come true requires some clarity and determination about whether you are WILLING to devote some of your precious time and energy to what YOU really want to do.

Society has a way of filling up our time with bad news, drama, trauma, wasteful events and sucking the energy out of us. Is that the way you want to spend the precious time you have on Earth just wasting away because of someone else’s issues?

Most of us would probably say a resounding NO!!  Yet, we continue to fritter our time away.

In the past few months, we’ve seen famous people in the news who died suddenly – seemingly "before their time."  We’ve been touched personally and had friends touched by sudden death recently as well, so we are very much reminded that physical life is a precious gift that can suddenly be gone.

Every single person is unique and has their own unique set of talents, gifts, abilities and interests.  We can find similarities and put people into categories or types or labels or classes.  Regardless of any category or type that we might try to apply, each person is still unique in the way they express their uniqueness. 

What is your uniqueness?  Who are you - really?  This month, take some time to ponder that question.  

Our tips this month:

  1. Focus your time on what matters to YOU.
  2. Put your energy where your passion is.
  3. Let your loved ones know how much you care about them and take time to appreciate how much they care about you.  
  4. Let go of the little hurts or aggravations that so many people hold on.
  5. Forgive everyone – no matter how large or small the "injustice" may seem to be.
  6. Bless every one and every thing – living or not – every day.
  7. Allow yourself to feel your dreams come true.

If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that.  

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/jul2009.htm                    

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