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November 2008 - Toward a Brighter Future

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In this time of chaos, uncertainty and unknown, we urge you to focus your attention on the future, not on the past.  No matter how "bad" it seems right now, our only choice is to go forward.  

What type of future do you want to create?  Do you want it to be prosperous, abundant,Thanksgiving abundance cornucopia joyful and filled with opportunities for all to pursue their life's dreams?  Or, do you want it to be filled with fear and anxiety?  The choice is ours - yours, mine and theirs - to make that future what we want it to be.  You, me, I, we, us, them - we are the future.  

We will continue to do our part to help our future be one that we want to leave to our children and grand children.  Toward this end, our new book, Income Without a Job, offers a way for ordinary people - you, me, us, our friends, our neighbors and anyone else who is interested - to create our own personal economic recovery plan.  We are quite sure that the government will do what it must do to "save" the major corporations that are such a vital part of our  economic infrastructure.  "It's all about Friendship" - a boy and girl holding hands

What about us - the regular people?  Well, as always, *we* are the engine, the workforce, the power and the strength that will make it all work well, or not.  We do hope you will also make the choice to go forward with hope and inspiration, not with fear and anxiety.  

Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself, your family, your loved ones and those around you inspired every single day - regardless of what the national news says is wrong with our world.  We have so much to be grateful for!!!  

This month we celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States.  Please join us in being2 pilgrim children praying over a pumpkin with a bird bring them a fall leaf grateful for the many incredible blessings we have already and help us to see our way clearly though the fog into the brighter future that is there waiting for us to enjoy.  

If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great exercises to assist with that.  

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/nov2008.htm              

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