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November 2009 - Time flies when you're having fun

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What are you doing for fun these days?  Are you focusing all your attention on what you DON'T have or are you spending time being grateful for what you DO have and enjoying your life?

Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the world.  The universal energy will follow your thoughts and your feelings.  If your thoughts and feelings are of great gratitude, then the universal energy will know to send you more of what caused those thoughts or feelings.  

If your thoughts and feelings are negative or filled with lack or fear, the universal energy will send you more of what caused those thoughts or feelings.   

Why is that?  That is simply the way of universal energy - it always says "yes" and goes with whatever we give it.  It doesn't know the difference between what is "good" or "bad," it just gives us back more of whatever we give it to work with. 

Successful people have the same habits.  They think positively, they focus their energy in the direction of what they want to have, regardless of what is happening that might "seem" to be contrary to what they desire.  The result: the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.  Happy people get more happiness and sad people get more trouble. 

When something "negative"  happens, do you focus on that and forget about your hopes and dreams?  If so, you are missing a wonderful opportunity to use that experience as fertilizer and nourishment for your hopes and dreams.  All you have to do is change your mind about the situation or experience.  Use the experience as a trigger to feel happier and most grateful about yourself and your world.  

People who are successful don't let small things hold them back; they don't let distractions get in the way of their goals.  They continue to know that their dreams will be manifested if they stay the course.  

Think about it this way.  If you are a sports fan and your team wins, you feel great, right?  What if "your" team, loses?  Do you feel bad?  How about if you change your mind and become a fan of the other team?  Now, you can be happy!  See how simple that is?  

Changing your mind from thinking an experience is negative to seeing it as positive is just that simple. All you have to do is change your mind!  When you can see the situation or experience differently,  suddenly the entire world seems different.  Why?  Because it IS different after you change your mind.  Your perspective is what makes it real for you.  Changing your perspective changes your reality.  

Try this exercise this month: 

  1. Every time you start to think that some experience or situation is negative, change your thinking to "How can I see this experience or situation is a positive way?"  
  2. If something surprises you, let yourself feel joy and excitement instead of anger or frustration.  
  3. If someone does or says something you don't like, take a step back and think, "Gosh, isn't that cute?" instead of calling them names or sending negative energy their way.  
  4. Obviously, use common sense.  If someone is trying to kill you, then do something about it. 
  5. Most of our every-day anger, bad feelings and frustrations are simply our own mind seeing things in a way that is not healthy for us.  Those are the things we can really do something about.  We can literally change poison into nourishment - change negative energy into positive energy by using our mind!! 
  6. It will take some practice at first.  As you get better at it, you will start to see things in an entirely different way.  
  7. And, most importantly, your life will change for the better.  Your stress level will go down and your ability to bounce back from adversity will increase exponentially.  Your health will improve as your attitude improves. 

If you have any doubt at all that this technique can work for you, read this true story.


If you are thinking about creating sources of income, new business ideas or exploring expansion of a existing business, our book Income Without a Job has some great information and exercises to assist with that.  

This page is http://www.income-without-a-job.com/news/nov2009.htm                       

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