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The Institute for Management Excellence offers practical tools for business and
corporate clients. We combine creativity with proven approaches to solve complex business
Our Motto: "It's Time . . . for new ways of thinking and new ways of doing
Daily Inspirations
Management Consulting and
Communications Services:
Consulting - General Management and Organizational Consulting
The Personality Game - A Practical Personality System
that's fun to use
Internet Web Design Services - Services and Sample Web Page
Monthly Online Newsletter- Useful tips on current management topics
Training -
Training Programs
Speaker's Bureau - Speaker Information
Writing Services - Ghost Writing and Business Writing
Excellence in Action:
Monthly Online Newsletter-
Useful tips . . . current business topics.
Do you have a story to contribute or something unique you've tried? We're seeking stories of Management Excellence in Action.
Information on how to share your
wisdom with others.
Survey - Help us plan future
newsletter topics.
Articles and Press Coverage
August 16, 2007: South Sound fans hold a tender
place in their hearts for Elvis, The Olympian
May 11, 1999: CNN Financial News
interviewed us on the topic of healthy workplaces, "Wellness Programs Evolve"
September 13, 1998: Orange
County Register, Commentary Section, published our comments in the topic,
"Readers React: Should he stay or go?" ... on respect, fairness and justice ...
Additional comments from a
15-year-old. [Note: We are not offering links to the full report or the details
of the report because it could violate our ICRA website rating.]
May, 1998 - Innovative Leader newsletter ("to stimulate creativity and
productivity"), article "Coping with Change: Different Personality Styles."
For information on the newsletter, WinstonBrill.com.
June 1997 - Business Power,
published our article "The 7 Principles of Spirituality in the Workplace"
January 1997 - edgelink [at] aol.com The Edge
(a newspaper focusing on spirituality and alternative ways of doing business in the Kansas City and Twin Cities areas), article "Spirituality in the Workplace."
November 3, 1996 - the Orange
County Register's Connect section featured our web site as the "Home
Page" of the week
More about:
Barbara Taylor - Executive
Michael Anthony -
Training Director
Carol Amato -
Writing Services
Spirituality in the Workplace - Rainbows
& Miracles, etc.
Website Visitor Comments
(Note: The travel pages contain photos worth waiting for. However, if you have a slow
modem, you might want to turn off the pictures option before going to these pages.)
Ancient Egypt - Ancient Sacred
Energy Sites (photo of King Tut's golden mask) (November, 1995)
Ancient Mystical England -
Ancient and Mystical Sites (photo of Salisbury Cathedral) (April 1998)
Ancient England - Stone Circles
and Sacred Sites (stunning photo of Stonehenge) (April 1996)
Ancient Greece and Magical Crete
- Athens, Delphi, Minoan Culture, Crete (photo of Mykonos) (postponed to future date)
Finland/St. Petersburg - Shamanism in Finnish Lapland, drum-making, Helsinki, St. Petersburg (photo
of Sami national clothing) (August/September, 2000)
Magical Mystical Peru -
Places visited during this adventure will be Cuzco, Urubamba Valley, Machu
Picchu, Aguas Calientes, Puno and surrounding area, Lake
Titicaca, Amantani Island. (September 2003)
Yucatan - Mayan and Aztec Ruins,
sacred sites (photo of Aztec/Mayan ruins) (March, 1997)
Africa - (photo of
colorful native African birds) (postponed to future date)
Abby Leach - Mental
Health Therapist, Spiritual Counselor, Healer and Teacher; Olympia, WA
Arvel Bird - Native
American Flutist, Celtic Violinist, blending New Age, Celtic, classical and
improvisational music styles into a unique sound like no other artist,
Nashville, TN
Blog: Messages from Spirit during regular listening
Business Process
Reengineering & Innovation - Most complete list of resources on business,
management and related topics.
for Spiritual Living Mission Viejo - Creating a World that Works for
Everyone, Mission Viejo, CA
for Spiritual Living Olympia - Revealing Possibilities. Unleashing
Potential, Olympia, WA
Columbia Pacific University -
Columbia Pacific University, a pioneer in distance education, Novato, CA
Consulting Professionals United -
Technical writers and communication specialists (Brian McCaleb), Orange
County, CA
Allenbaugh & Associates - Executive Coach & Leadership Training,
Lake Oswego, OR
Forces of
Nature Design - Living in Harmony with the Natural World (Gaela
Morrison), Boulder, CO
Health Rising - Medical Writing Services
Kaplan), Orange County, CA
Homeopathy for
Moms - Homeopathic Nurse (Sue Boyle). Also, Kitsap
Homeopathy, Poulsbo / Kitsap County, WA
IMRI - Information
Management Resources, Inc., Laguna Niguel, CA (Martha Daniel)
Earth Day - history and information about Earth Day (celebrated on the Spring
Equinox in March)
MADD Orange County
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Orange County, CA
Online - a comprehensive collection of lessons on various business
M Squared - nation's premier value-added broker of independent
consultants, San Francisco, CA.
New Age Info -
Supports and informs the New Age communities (web directory and
search site)
Leadership Report - Monthly newsletter by Harvard University Professor Robert
Power Path Seminars and Training
Programs (José and Lena Stevens),
Santa Fe, NM
Power Vision
Dynamics - Visualization Through the Heart (Carole Doré), Orange
County, CA
Writers of Orange County - Orange County, CA Writers Association
Puttick Agency - Bridging
Authors and Publishers (Elizabeth & Robin Puttick), London, England, UK
and 7 Personality
Types (Elizabeth Puttick, author)
Santa Fe Institute's Brian
Arthur - Increasing returns in the high tech economy, Santa Fe, NM
Sacred Peace Center
- Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song, Peace Shaman, Orange County, CA
Stargazer Publishing
Company - Writing and Publishing (Carol Amato), Orange County, CA
The Internet Outsourcing
Group, Internet Services Provider, Orange County, CA
in the Community - Promoting
diversity and equality, Olympia, WA
- author of books about veterans with extensive
links to related resources (Sandy Strait)
WAMBTAC Communications
- Making Literary Dreams Come True (Claudia Suzanne), Orange County,
Winston Brill - publisher
of the monthly Innovative Leader newsletter, Redmond, WA
Links to Other
Useful Sites:
- blocks ads, banner ads, pop-ups and other annoyances that interfere with
Internet enjoyment (has a 30-day
free trial version) www.itstime.admuncher.com
AncestryDNA Helper - How to Use the AncestryDNA Helper for the
Chrome browser http://www.itstime.com/AncestryDNAHelper.htm
Soft (e-mail marketing and management tools for Windows).
They have a strict No Spam policy for their products. We use their
WorldMerge software for our monthly newsletter notices http://www.coloradosoft.com.
Disclosure: if you buy one of their products through this link, we
will receive a referral commission.
Electronic Freedom
Foundation - Free Speech Online Campaign
- The open source browser that is quickly making a name for itself for
innovation and security alternatives.
Google - Our favorite web search engine,
it's lightning fast, translates pdf files and shows
cached pages that have been removed from active sites
Hostway -
Internet website hosting and domain name registration.
Check out their prices!
iSixSigma - Quality and
Management Resources
(trial version) and Mailwasher
Pro - for effective e-mail spam filtering.
Guard Dog - effective e-mail spam filtering for domains.
(new version called "Titanium") - Trend Micro Internet Security - the best virus software we have seen (30 day free
Search and Directory Link
Index - More than 100 sites listed
- The open source e-mail program that is safe, fast and easy, with intelligent
spam filters, quick message search, and customizable views.
Wake Up Laughing - Swami
Beyondananda site - for laughter at any time.
Yahoo Home Page -
Web directory and search site
Mail: The Institute for Management Excellence,
Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679. Please contact
us for correct mailing address
(949) 667-1012
World Wide Web: http://www.itstime.com
Mailing List (Business): Join
our mailing list
Mailing List (Michael students): Join our mailing list
Links to
Our Other Sites
- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Institute-for-Management-Excellence/268978304531
blog http://listentospirit.blogspot.com/
you would like to support our work, click here
to send payments.
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more than 4.8 million pages
accessed through 12/31/2004. See statistics
page for more detail.
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We rated with
ICRA - Content suitable for all
Privacy Partnership
Spirit And Sky Top Spiritual Site
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Page updated: November 17, 2024